We stand behind our products. Like any heritage goods, if you take care of them, they'll take care of you. We guarantee each item against failure or defect in its intended use for 12 months after the date of purchase. The materials and craftsmanship used in our boots and other leather goods will hold up with normal use for a long time, but given the complexities of anyone using our products wherever and however they wish, we'd be silly to say our boots are indestructible. If you experience any defect in material or workmanship, please contact us so that our customer support team can assist.
Issues covered by warranty
- Defects in production
- Pre-mature failure of materials
Issues not covered by warranty
- Accident, improper care, or negligence
- Normal wear & tear
- Natural break-down of materials & colors
- Extreme use or use outside its intended purpose
- Third-party alterations
Wilcox branded products covered by this warranty are warranted to the original owner for 12 months after the purchase date. If your product covered by this warranty fails due to a reason listed above, we will pay to repair it without charge, or replace it, at our discretion. Only original, unaltered and unmodified items and workmanship are covered. Our guarantee applies to all Wilcox items purchased directly from us, or an authorized retailer. Please note every item is subject to an evaluation by our customer care team.
For warranty evaluation, you must contact our support team, using our warranty claims portal, where you must provide photo evidence of the manufacturing defect (materials or workmanship). Follow the same steps as an Exchange, but select 'Warranty Request' as the reason for return. Through this process, our customer care team will work with you to identify the best resolution, such as a repair or replacement.
Note: Our footwear is intended to be resoled, and based on how you wear them, they may need resoling sooner than average. If you walk like a zombie (i.e. drag your feet), if you ride a motorcycle regularly, or if you're built like a WWE professional, your mileage may vary.